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          Our Mini Barns are an excellent entry point for those who might need a smaller amount of storage space. These units come standard with 4’ standard side walls and will take up less space in your yard while offering a tremendous value to protect what matters to you.

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Is It Cheaper to Build or Buy A Shed?

When you’re ready to add a shed to your property, you might find yourself wrestling with this decision: Is it cheaper to build or buy a shed? Here at Backyard Outfitters, we firmly believe that purchasing one of our high-quality sheds not only saves you money, time, and hassle but we also believe it provides significant value. Here’s why buying a pre-built portable building is in your best interest:


Immediate Convenience and Quick Setup

The most immediate benefit of purchasing a shed from Backyard Outfitters is convenience. Our sheds are pre-built and ready to be delivered directly to your property. This means you can avoid the weeks—or potentially months—of planning, building, and fine-tuning required to construct a shed from scratch. With us, your new shed could be set up and ready to use in just a day, depending on your site’s preparation.


Cost Efficiency – Why It’s Cheaper to Buy than Build

While the upfront cost of buying a pre-built shed might appear higher than building your own, the hidden costs of DIY projects can quickly add up. When building a shed, expenses extend beyond just materials to include tools, hardware, and even the potential cost of fixing mistakes made during the construction process. Additionally, our purchasing power allows us to source high-quality materials at lower costs than what you will find at retail prices, savings that we pass on to our customers.


Professional Craftsmanship

Our sheds are constructed by skilled craftsmen who use quality materials and proven techniques to ensure durability and functionality. Each shed is built to withstand the elements and provide long-lasting storage solutions. When you build a shed yourself, guaranteeing this level of quality and durability can often be challenging, especially without specialized tools,  skills, or experience.


Customization Options

should I buy or build a shed?Choosing one of our sheds doesn’t mean you sacrifice the ability to customize. Backyard Outfitters offers a variety of styles, sizes, and options to ensure that your shed meets your specific needs. From different roofing materials to various paint colors and additional features like windows or shelving, you can tailor your shed to be exactly what you need. Try our 3D Shed Designer to create the shed of your dreams.


Compliance and Warranty

At Backyard Outfitters, we take pride in ensuring that every shed we build adheres to the standards set by international building codes and regulations. Beyond the confidence that comes with our decades of shed-building experience, we also provide a warranty for each shed, affording you a level of security rarely found in homemade projects. Should any issues arise, rest assured that our commitment to quality has you protected.


Long-term Investment

Consider the long-term benefits of a professionally built shed. Our sheds are not just quick solutions but are built to enhance your property’s value and appeal. A well-constructed shed from Backyard Outfitters is an investment that pays dividends in usability and property aesthetics over time.


Focus on What Matters to You

Finally, buying a shed from us frees up your time and energy. Instead of toiling away on a construction project, spend your weekends relaxing, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with family. Let us handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what truly matters to you.


At Backyard Outfitters, we understand that a shed is more than just a place to store your tools—it’s an integral part of your home life. By choosing one of our sheds, you’re not just buying storage space; you’re buying quality, convenience, and peace of mind. Why not treat yourself to the best?

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